C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook\profilename.nk2
ref: http://www.windowsnetworking.com/kbase/WindowsTips/WindowsVista/UserTips/Misc/BackingUptheOutlookAutoCompleteNameList.html
How To Quickly Check IP Address on Remote Computers?
How to quickly check IP Address information on all the computers using a single command.
Windows does not ship with a command which can be used to quickly check the IP Address information on all the remote computers. You need to use third party tools or a utility to do so. I use Psexec.exe to get this information.
- Create a Text file named Servers.txt
- Paste all the computer names in the Text file
- Run the following command to store IP Information to a Text file:
ref: http://www.windowsnetworking.com/kbase/WindowsTips/WindowsXP/AdminTips/Network/HowToQuicklyCheckIPAddressonRemoteComputers.html
A Quick Tip To Update Group Policy Settings On Remote Computers
This article explains a single command you can use to update the Group Policy settings on remote computers. Please note this applies to Windows 2000 Computers only!
Windows 2000 ships with a command line tool to refresh the Group Policy settings on a local computer. But what if you need to refresh Group Policy settings on 100 Windows 2000 machines? You either need to create a script to do so or visit each computer individually. To eliminate this, you can use the below steps to accomplish the task:
- Create a Text file named Servers.txt
- Paste all the computer names in txt file.
- Run the following commands from a Windows 2000 computer:
To refresh user policy:
- Psexec.exe -@Servers.txt secedit.exe /refreshpolicy user_policy
To refresh machine policy
- Psexec.exe -@Servers.txt secedit.exe /refreshpolicy machine_policy
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